Greeneffect Waste Management Limited is the Group Company working in the areas of Municipal Solid Waste Management and Renewable Energy. The objectives of the Company at the time of incorporation were to accomplish the Groupā€™s vision of developing a cleaner ambience. The Groupā€™s constant efforts in the field of MSW management have facilitated it to pioneer in this sector. We boast of installing Asiaā€™s biggest single location Integrated Resource Recovery Facility (IRRF) at Kanpur. We follow a stringent and meticulous process from C&T (Collection and Transmission) to P&D (Processing and Disposal) and make use of unusable products.
Fast Facts
- Year of Inception: Fiscal 2007
- FY 2018 Turnover: Rs. 8 Crores
- Employees: 1400+
- Industry/ Sector: Waste Management
- Reach of business: PPP Mode Long-term Contract for Municipal Solid Waste Management
- Business Model: Collection-Transfer-Processing-Disposal of Waste
The Group advocates the use of Municipal Solid Waste or Agricultural Waste to generate energy. We undertake projects registered under UNFCCC.
Our multitude of services include:
- Special waste containment-stationary compactors
- Resource recovery from waste and waste recycling
- Landfill: Development, O&M post Closure Care
- Institution/Commercial/Industrial Business/Medical Waste
- Consultancy which includes technical, audit, environmental assessment, regional planning, operational audits and productivity analysis
- Waste Water Treatment
- Waste Land Reclamation
- Public Outreach Program
- Bin Supply